Central heating, water and sewage installations, hydraulics, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, co

Plumbing Installations in Your Area



Próba szczelności instalacji centralnego ogrzewania c.o.

Plumbing installations central heating water and sewage Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot

Do you need a sensible plumber to install cold and hot water and to assemble a sewage system?

If so, you've come to the right place! Because we perform plumbing installations in the Tri-City area and we may also install water and sewage or whatever at your place.

Our work done for clients – Gallery

wymiana naprawa cieknącego wc miski ustępowej geberitu Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Wymiana naczynia wzbiorczego Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Wymiana montaż naczynia wzbiorczego Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Montaż wanny Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
naprawa cieknącej toalety Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Wymiana liczników wodomierzy Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
 Why is it worth replacing the old installation with a new one?

Many of our clients decide to replace their central heating or water and sewage systems for several simple and most common reasons:

  • The installation is leaking in some sections
  • The plumbing is calcified
  • The installation is already rusty
  • The installation which heats poorly

We dismantle old rusty and leaky installations and install new ones in Pex, Tece, KAN, PP systems.

Our team includes qualified installers who have many successful and approved projects behind them.

The new installation must be carefully designed in accordance with the art of hydraulics. Unfortunately, on the current market we have come across many unsuccessful central heating and water installations.

Advantages of cooperation with our company

Greater installation efficiency

You save money

If you suspect a leak in the installation, you will quickly locate the leak, which will save you money on renovating your apartment or house.

Installation Safety

You can be sure that your system is tight and your family is not at risk of unpleasant consequences due to a leaky installation.

What should you pay attention to when installing a new system?

We have already repaired many installations. Many times after starting the central heating installation, several radiators did not work. It turned out that the installation team did not check whether the installation design was in accordance with the art. Then, without much thought, the installation, which was thousands of years old, needed repairing from the very beginning.

It is sad to see a customer who has to pay twice. The customer does not have to know anything about plumbing. The Installer should draw the customer's attention to any obstacles during the installation so that the customer saves money, their central heating or water installation works properly. At the very end, the customer should have a smile on their face.

Is the installation of water and sewage systems or what expensive and how much does it cost?

Often, customers expect a quote for a ready installation over the phone. If it were that simple, we would gladly do it during a phone conversation. We understand our customers because we would probably ask the same question in their place. However, in order to accurately estimate the installation, a project is needed.

  • Design of a new water and sewage system or central heating system

Based on the project, we are able to quote our clients a price for the hydraulic installation together with the material with a price deviation of 16-21%

How do I find out how much my installation will cost?

It is best to call us now and book a plumber at 733-398-367 and then someone from the team will come to you and assess your project and take down all the data to make a quote


What if I don't have an installation design?

No problem. Many clients do not have an installation project because not all of them need approval from external institutions. In such a case, our technician will also come to you and try to do his best to guide your installation from start to finish.

We cordially invite you

Plumber Gdansk Gdynia Sopot


Our work done for clients – Gallery

wymiana naprawa cieknącego wc miski ustępowej geberitu Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Wymiana naczynia wzbiorczego Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Wymiana montaż naczynia wzbiorczego Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Montaż wanny Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
naprawa cieknącej toalety Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot
Wymiana liczników wodomierzy Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot

Central heating, water and sewage installations, hydraulics, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, co

The area in which we operate is Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, Rumia, Reda and others

  • Bąkowo
  • Banino
  • Bielkówko
  • Fender
  • Great Tit
  • Boyano
  • Borkowo
  • Quick
  • Small cedars
  • Great cedars
  • Weeds
  • Warmly
  • Herons
  • Second field
  • Gdansk
  • Gdynia
  • Deep
  • Grabiny Castle
  • Juszkowo
  • Kiezmark
  • Kolbudy
  • Koleczkowo
  • The shirts
  • Blacksmiths
  • Krępiec
  • Leszkowy
  • Land
  • Lublewo Gdańskie
  • Miłocin
  • Wet Manor
  • Not progressing
  • Otomin
  • Pępowo
  • Pruszcz Gdański
  • In transit
  • Friendship
  • Rebiechowo
  • Roadstead
  • Buckthorn
  • Rotmanka
  • Roszkowo
  • Rumia
  • Russocin
  • Cheese
  • Sopot
  • Stanislawowo
  • Scarecrow
  • Szerzawa
  • Reed bed
  • Truntnowy
  • Tuchom
  • Wedding
  • Wejherowo
  • Woclawa
  • Wislina
  • Wróblewo
  • Żukowo


Central heating, water and sewage installations, hydraulics, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, co
  Plumbing Services Call 733-398-367

Contact Us!  

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Isabella Z


 Positive: Response time

(Source: Google Reviews)

Opinion: I recommend 100% % after 20 minutes from the phone the plumber was already there 😁 fast, solid, professional 👌 price ok

Mike Mike


 Positive: Response time, Quality,

 Punctuality, Value

(Source: Google Reviews)

Opinion:Both the telephone conversation and the live conversation with the specialist were very nice and objective. I am impressed with how quickly the problem can be solved and the highest standard of service maintained. I definitely recommend!

Martyna W.


 Positive: Response time, Quality, Punctuality, Value

(Source: Google Reviews)